
SIL talk by Mark de Vries (University of Groningen)

SIL talk replacement: PhD defence and workshop for Joanna Wall
On the Friday 28th February at 10:00am, Joanna Wall will defend her dissertation entitled Towards a label-less grammar. The PhD defence will take place in ...

SIL talk by Caterina Donati (LLF, CNRS)
Is there parsing evidence for Merge over Move? Two experiments on French and Hebrew (Joint work with Francesca Foppolo, Carlo Cecchetto, Lion Oks) Much ...

EXTRA: Zetao Xu (University of Hong Kong)
On reduced structures in Chinese: A labeling approach There is a general debate concerning “reduced” clauses. Regarding the question-answer pair in (1), ...

EXTRA: Phoevos Panagiotidis (University of Cyprus)
Beyond categorisers? Marantz (1996; 1997; et seq.) introduced a view of lexical categories according to which so-called lexical nouns, verbs, and ...

EXTRA: Gianluca Porta (Ulster University)
Extraction from adjuncts: the role of Small Clauses A well-known distinction between arguments and adjuncts is that only the former allow extraction. A ...

SIL talk by Tara Struik (University of Mannheim)
The results of contact: Tracing changes in resultativity encoding in the history of English in contact with French This talk will focus on the question to ...
Upcoming events
EXTRA: Phoevos Panagiotidis (University of Cyprus)
Trans 10, room 0.19 / MS Teams

SIL talk by Fenna Bergsma (Fryske Akademy)
Utrecht, Muntstraat 2A, room 1.11/MS Teams

SIL talk by Mark de Vries (University of Groningen)