SIL talk replacement: PhD defence and workshop for Joanna Wall
On the Friday 28th February at 10:00am, Joanna Wall will defend her dissertation entitled Towards a label-less grammar. The PhD defence will take place in the Senaatszaal, Academiegebouw, Domplein 29 Utrecht.
In the afternoon of the 28th, there will be a short workshop to celebrate Joanna’s defence, with theoretical syntax talks and discussion related to her dissertation. This will take place in the A. W. de Grootkamer (0.19), Trans 10, Utrecht.
14:45-14:55 Opening: Prof. dr. Marjo van Koppen and Prof. dr. Norbert Corver
14:55-15:40 Prof. dr. Jan-Wouter Zwart, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Title TBA)
15:40-16:25 Prof. dr. Barbara Citko, University of Washington (Title TBA)
16:25-16:30 Closing
All our welcome to attend: just send Joanna a quick email ( so we can check numbers, and let her know in case you would be interested in a copy of her dissertation, which will also appear online on the LOT Publications website ( on the 28th.